Alpha State of Mind

We sometimes have to make split-second decisions under the pressure. Quite often this vital skill is left to chance, relying on the skill of the athlete. Cognition in sport is important because if you cannot read the game, anticipate what will happen, and react, then your effectiveness will be dramatically reduced. In moments of peak performance–think, game 7 of the NBA finals–the brains of elite athletes enter a specific state. Their state of mind can be analyzed and measured with a device called an electroencephalogram (EEG). Alpha waves are produced when they enter a state of peak athletic performance. There are other states that can be measured:

1) beta waves (awake, your general state most of the day)
2) gamma waves (active, when your thinking, learning, or speaking)
3) theta waves (light sleep, relaxing or meditating)
4) delta waves (deep, dreamless sleep)

When you’re in alpha wave mode, you are calm, present, alert, and focused. You are in the proper mode for big exams like the SAT or peak sports performance. Your brain can be trained to get into this state at will and stay in this state. When you make an error and lose your cool, your brain shifts from alpha wave activity to gamma wave activity. In this state, you are not prepared to perform at your best. In fact, if you don’t get back into an alpha wave state of mind, you will continue to make errors which could be detrimental.

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Versus is a state-of-the-art, 5 channel EEG headset that can be comfortably worn to measure your brain wave activity. It integrates with customized software that is viewed on a 55 inch LED monitor. This software allows us to perform a Neuro Performance Assessment (NPA) to identify strengths and weaknesses in mental acuity, concentration, problem-solving, multi-tasking, resource management, and decision-making. After obtaining your baseline performance, each student is categorized into one of 14 different categories and a personalized training regimen is designed within the software to help you improve how different parts of your brain fires. While training, you will be tasked with unique challenges. For example, you will have to control objects on the screen, while wearing the EEG headset, using nothing but your thoughts. Parts of your brain that are under-firing will be awoken and parts that are over-firing will be relaxed. Your ability to function in alpha mode or stay “in the zone” will improve dramatically. This will help students maximize their academic performance and athletes perform their best in the heat of competition.